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Thursday, March 23, 2023

5 Can't-Miss Shoulder Exercises for Optimal Results

The shoulder is one of the most important parts of your body for strength and mobility. From heavy lifting to stretching out those tight muscles, having strong and healthy shoulders is essential to your overall athleticism. Unfortunately, many people overlook their shoulder routine or don't focus enough attention on the muscles in this area. Today, we'll show you how to give your shoulder muscles the care they deserve with five can't-miss exercises that will help you see optimal results. We'll also discuss what types of equipment you'll need, which exercises are best for building strength versus flexibility, and how often you should be working out your shoulders. Let's get started Relted Building a Bigger Chest - All the Essential Moves
% of Exercising Shoulders
Exercising your shoulders can unlock a world of possibilities, such as increased strength, improved posture and better shoulder flexibility. Not to mention that working out your shoulders can also help relieve chronic pain and make everyday tasks, like carrying groceries or reaching for something high up on a shelf, less of a challenge. So if you’re looking to reap these benefits and more, one of the best places to start is shoulder exercises. Below are five can't-miss shoulder exercises that you should incorporate into your routine for optimal results: Overhead press: This exercise strengthens the anterior deltoid muscles responsible for lifting objects away from you in an overhead motion. Front raise: This move works with the anterior deltoid muscles again but focuses on bringing objects toward your chest instead of pushing them away.
Lateral raise: This exercise targets the lateral deltoid muscles located at the sides of your shoulders—great for lateral arm movements like side lunges or throwing a ball. Upright row: A favorite among gym goers everywhere, this exercise works with all three of the main deltoid muscles and gets you that toned look that most strive for! Bent over reverse fly: This move primarily works with the posterior deltoids (rear shoulder) and emphasizes slow, controlled movements for maximum benefit.
Shoulder Taps
If you’re looking for an exercise that engages your shoulder muscles, shoulder taps are an excellent choice. As you perform shoulder taps, you’ll target several important shoulder muscles, strengthen them and protect your joints from injury. To properly execute shoulder taps, start in a high plank position with your hands beneath your shoulders and your body in a straight line. Then, alternately tap each hand to the opposite shoulder as quickly as possible, returning to the starting position after each tap. Be sure to keep your abs tight and core engaged throughout the exercise. Shoulder taps are great for developing strength because they require both stability and coordination. Plus, they’re also a dynamic movement that targets more muscles than just the shoulders. You’ll also work your upper back and triceps during this exercise—so it’s an effective total-body move! Wall Slides
Ready for some shoulder exercises you can't miss? Wall slides should definitely be on your list. Not only do they strengthen and stabilize your shoulder joints, but they also help to reduce the risk of injury. To do a wall slide, stand with your back against a wall and press the palms of your hands against the wall so that your arms form a 90-degree angle. Make sure you keep your arms straight and then slide them up the wall, keeping them at the same angle the entire time. Once you reach as high as you can go while maintaining the 90-degree angle, hold it for five seconds before returning to your starting position. You should aim to do two sets of 8-12 reps and don't worry if it's tough at first—just keep practicing! With time and patience, you'll be able to complete sets with more reps and more precision in no time at all. Scapular Pushups
Scapular pushups are an excellent exercise for improving shoulder strength and stability. You may not have heard of them, but they can make a big difference in your upper body workouts. Scapular pushups require you to engage not just your arms and chest, but also your back muscles to keep your body in alignment. To do a scapular pushup, start by getting into a plank position with your hands directly below your shoulders. Engage your core and draw back on your shoulder blades as you lower yourself down until you touch the floor. Keep your elbows tucked close to your body as you do this. Then, press back up keeping the same form, transferring the energy from the floor through to the ceiling. Your arms should be doing minimal work; all the power of this exercise should come from pushing through your back muscles.
Doing scapular pushups activates both sides of the lats (the latissimus dorsi muscle) which helps to improve posture and strengthen weak areas that may be vulnerable to injury. It also helps build stability around the shoulder joint so that it can better handle heavier weight when doing other exercises like pull-ups or overhead presses. So give scapular pushups a try and watch as you maximize your shoulder results! Seated or Standing Rotations
Seated or standing rotations should definitely not be overlooked. Not only do they target your shoulder muscles, but they also provide a nice stretch to your upper back and chest muscles. You can do these seated or standing, depending on what fits better with your workout routine. When doing seated or standing rotations, make sure you are engaging the core and maintaining good posture. To get the most out of this exercise, start by rotating one arm at a time, then switch arms and repeat. Here's what you need to know: Start with light weights (2-4 lbs) when first trying it out Make sure your core is engaged and shoulders are relaxed to prevent injury Move slowly and deliberately Make sure to rotate from your shoulder joint and not just your arms Aim for 15-20 repetitions on each side By incorporating seated or standing rotations in your exercise routine you can expect strong shoulders and improved alignment along with increased flexibility and range of motion. Band Pull Aparts
The next move you'll want to add to your shoulder workout routine is the band pull apart. This basic exercise is great for targeting the rear deltoids, which are important for stability and injury prevention. Doing a band pull apart is easy—all you need is a resistance band of the right size and strength. You can either stand or sit on a bench (it's up to you). Start by gripping the ends of the band and pulling your arms apart and outward, squeezing your shoulder blades while maintaining good posture. The power comes from engaging and squeezing your shoulder blades together at the top of each rep; this will target your rear deltoids more effectively. Aim for 3 sets of 10-15 reps to really fire up those posterior muscles! Conclusion
Taking the time to learn the best shoulder exercises and incorporate them into your regular fitness routine can help you not only look better but feel better. Shoulder exercises can have a positive impact on your mental and physical health, in terms of reducing tension, helping prevent injury and building strength. So, make sure to focus on your shoulder muscles and make them a priority when it comes to your exercise routine. It can greatly improve your performance, overall comfort and quality of life. So, don't just exercise your arms—training your shoulders is key to achieving optimal results. Give these five can't-miss shoulder exercises a try, and you won't regret it!

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