“ name="shrtfly-verification" content="ff4b64f8b37f9b5a3cf230a5fb613af6" > Celebrating Chief Justice Umar Ata Bandial - Champion for Social Justice in Pakistan" - Exercise Achieve Maximum Fitness"

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Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Celebrating Chief Justice Umar Ata Bandial - Champion for Social Justice in Pakistan"

Pakistan has just welcomed its 17th Chief Justice in Umar Ata Bandial. It's time to celebrate and recognize the accomplishments of this accomplished man! Chief Justice Bandial has a long list of credentials, ranging from his work on the Peshawar High Court to his being a leader of the legal profession. But it's his commitment to social justice that is truly impressive. Since being sworn in, Chief Justice Bandial has demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to advancing human rights in the country. He has taken a number of measures to protect minorities and vulnerable groups, including ending forced labor, creating and revising legislation that would bring justice to vulnerable communities, and encouraging equal treatment under the law regardless of gender or religious identity.
Chief Justice Bandial is an inspiration for those who believe in equal rights and access to justice. He has set an example for the world by demonstrating what is possible when an individual is dedicated to making a difference and putting people first. At this time of great joy, we must take a moment to celebrate Chief Justice Bandial's dedication to making Pakistan a better and fairer country. Here's to many more years of success for him and for those who believe in justice for all.

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